Thursday, May 8, 2008

Blessings on a table

I was going to leave $5 bills on random co-workers cubes in my office, but when I went to do so, I was afraid someone would see me. I ended up leaving a $5 bill on the break room counter. With the $5 bill was the attached note: "This is yours to spend. There are no strings attached. Use it however your like. I hope this brightens your day....".

I left an anonymous e-mail address I set up this morning on the letter. I didn't think anyone would respond. The email below is their response. You can blog about this if you would like.

How long can this go?

Here is the email I received from the recipient:

Hi there. I first want to tell you that I think what you are doing is absolutely wonderful. I too am a Christian and came across the money left on the counter, I have wondered what to do with this money, and have decided, like you, I am forwarding it on to someone else who needs it. God says to share what is yours, and so that is what I am doing. I want to thank you for your kind generosity and therefore, I am passing it on for someone else in need. I wonder how long it will go? May God bless you and your family. God is good!